Sunday, May 24, 2009


I have been extremely hesitant to get this blog up and going for a lot of reasons. Mainly because I know that a lot of people won't like it. Even now I am feeling nervous typing this.

I know that the information I will publish about myself on this blog will come as a shock to most of you. I have been silent about it until now. But I am no longer willing to feel ashamed and scared of who I am. So here we go.

I want to be VERY clear as to why I am doing this. It's extremely important to me that my friends and family understand the journey I have taken from being a part of the LDS church to becoming an Atheist.

I know that the term "atheist" has very negative connotations. I want to convey why that is simply not true. I know it is frightening and repulsive to many people. But I don't want people to judge me simply because I identify myself that way. I want to have discussions about religion and belief systems, instead of just trading insults back and forth. I don't have a problem with people choosing to be religious at all. Why must they have a problem with me choosing not to be?

I have respect and love for every single one of you. I will not condemn you for your beliefs. I will not say anything to try to change your minds. That's not why I'm doing this. I just want you to understand. So give this a chance before you stop reading because I used the word "atheist." It's extremely important to me, and I know that in the long run it will help strengthen our relationships if we can all remain open minded and willing to discuss what lies before us.

"Well before it was used to describe the God-denier, the word "atheist" served to condemn the thinking of the man even marginally liberated from authority and social supervision. In questions of thought and reflection the atheist was a man free in god's eyes and ultimately free to deny god's existence." Michel Onfray